Pearson Tests

Prepare for your next Pearson test with tailor-made practice materials.

What Is A Pearson Assessment?

Pearson owns a talent assessment platform called TalentLens. On this platform, the company provides a range of different aptitude tests used mainly by financial and public sector employers.

You may have previously heard of Watson Glaser or the Bar Course Aptitude Test (BCAT) — these are just some of the assessments Pearson delivers to help businesses find, and hire the best talent.

Pearson assessments are used by a huge variety of well-known businesses including Clifford Chance law firm.

Pearson Assessment Categories

Depending on the role and industry you're applying for, there are several different Pearson Assessments you may be asked to take.

Fast-paced and challenging, the Pearson Assessments should not be underestimated. It's essential to prepare for them as much as you can by taking practice tests in exam conditions before the big day.

Aptitude Tests

There are a range of different aptitude tests designed to test candidates on a whole range of skills, from data interpretation, to problem-solving and cognitive thinking.

Once you know which test(s) you'll be asked to take, you can get on with practicing them.

Pearson Numerical Reasoning Assessment

Over the course of 42 questions, your mathematical abilities will be put to the test against the clock.

Covering basic mathematical principles, as well as more complex data interpretation, the numerical reasoning assessmentis designed to see how proficient you are working with numbers — something that's vital in many different job roles and industries.

Watson Glaser Test (Critical Thinking)

This Watson Glaser test is specifically designed to assess your critical thinking skills and is used by a huge variety of employers as a result.

In the test, you'll be given a small amount of information and posed a challenge to respond to based on that small amount of information.

What employers are looking for here is how well you can think outside the box, and whether you show signs of being able to think creatively. This test is particularly popular with hiring law firms.

RANRA (Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal)

RANRA tests are often used in conjunction with Watson Glaser tests if firms are hiring for more senior or managerial roles.

Just like the Watson Glaser test, the RANRA is designed to assess your critical thinking skills. But unlike Watson Glaser, it uses numerical reasoning questions to do so.

Iris Situational Judgement

The Iris Situational Judgement test is specifically designed for graduates.

You'll be presented with a series of hypothetical workplace challenges, and asked to choose how you'd respond from a series of possible options.

How you answer will give an employer a good indication of the type of character you are, and how well you're likely to be suited to the role, team and company you're applying to work in.


The SOSIE looks at your character and key personality traits.

Just like the Iris, it helps employers to decide whether you're likely to be a good fit for the company.

Raven's Progressive Matrices

This non-verbal aptitude test looks at how well you can problem-solve, as well as the strength of your lateral thinking skills.

UKcat (Uk Clinical Aptitude Test)

The UKcat is only for those interested in medicine and dentistry and is used in the admissions process for medicine and dentistry training programmes.

The test is designed to assess your cognitive abilities.

Bcat (Bar Course Aptitude Test)

Similar to the Watson Glaser test, the Bcat is for barristers looking to progress to the Bar Professional Training Course.

Raven's Progressive Matrices

Another non-verbal aptitude test, Raven's Progressive Matrices examines your lateral thinking and problem-solving skills.

Tips To Pass Pearson Tests

1. Practice

There really is no substitute for practice when it comes to the Pearson Assessments. Each one is challenging and fast-paced, so it's essential that you've had a go at a few practice tests before the big day, to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

2. Know The Format And Tests

Knowing the format of these tests is crucial to building confidence.

Make sure you've got a really clear idea of the test(s) you'll be asked to take as part of your application process. Then, ensure you've practiced each one as many times as possible.

The more tests you take, the more likely it is that you'll come across a larger variety of questions so you'll have a better understanding of what to expect on the day.

3. Practice Under Exam Conditions

We always recommend taking practice tests in exam conditions — that means no distractions, timing yourself and ideally sitting in a quiet, well-lit room.

Once you've taken a practice test, always make sure you go over your results and identify any areas you need to work on.

4. Don't Be Afraid To Fail

Failing is part of life. It's difficult, but there's always something you can learn from it.

If you practice enough tests before the big day, it's much more likely that you won't fail the test that really counts.

Sample Pearson Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

In the context of a business report, which statement indicates a positive trend in performance?

Despite a reduction in advertising spend, there is an overall increase in market share when compared to the last quarter. Feedback from the sales team indicates that customer retention has improved, owing to enhanced post-sale support. However, revenue growth remains a challenge due to tough competition in the market.

  • The company has increased its market share by cutting down costs.
  • Customer support is detrimental to the company's growth.
  • Revenue depletion is imminent due to decreased spending in advertising.
  • The sales team's feedback is unreliable and negatively affects market share.

All roses are flowers. Some flowers fade quickly. If the first two statements are true, what is the third statement's truth value: 'All roses fade quickly.'?

  • True
  • False
  • Uncertain
  • Irrelevant

If 5x - 3 = 2x + 7, what is the value of x?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 10

Which of the following is the next term in the series? 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...

  • 36
  • 30
  • 32
  • 40

A train travels 40 miles in 0.5 hours. At the same rate, how far will the train travel in 1.5 hours?

  • 80 miles
  • 120 miles
  • 60 miles
  • 160 miles

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Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


Pearson Tests Tips

Understand the Format

Before diving headfirst into practice, take some time to become familiar with the Pearson TalentLens tests. Understanding the structure and types of questions you'll encounter can greatly reduce test day anxiety and help you efficiently navigate through the sections. Psychometric Tests provides an overview of what to expect, which is a great starting point for your preparation.

Time Management is Key

Pearson tests are often timed, and knowing how to manage that clock is crucial for a successful outcome. On Psychometric Tests, you can take timed practice exams that emulate the real test environment. This not only helps you gauge the time needed for each question but also trains you to work under pressure without sacrificing accuracy.

Sharpen Your Critical Thinking

Many Pearson TalentLens exams are designed to assess your critical thinking abilities. Practicing these types of questions will help you improve your ability to analyze and deduce information swiftly. With Psychometric Tests, you can engage in exercises specifically tailored to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Review Your Answers

After completing a practice test, review your answers thoroughly. Understanding why you got a question right or wrong is instrumental in improving your performance. Psychometric Tests offers detailed explanations for each answer, allowing you to learn from your mistakes and refine your strategies.

Stay Calm and Confident

A calm mind can work wonders during a test. Practice is the key to building confidence, so utilize the resources at Psychometric Tests to get comfortable with the exam format and question types. The more familiar you are with the material, the more relaxed you'll be when it's time to take the actual Pearson TalentLens exam.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


Pay Annually
Pay Monthly
  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 74 Employer packages
  • 22 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Pearson Tests FAQs

Are The Pearson Assessments Difficult?

Yes. Like any test, the Pearson Assessments can be challenging. That's why we always recommend practicing past tests beforehand, in order to get a better idea of your strengths and weaknesses and to work on any subjects or tests you may struggle with.

Which Companies Use Pearson Tests?

Pearson Assessments are used by a large number of high-profile financial, legal and public sector employers.

Renowned companies such as Clifford Chance use Pearson Assessments to rigorously test applicants and ensure they only hire the best of the best.

Which Tests Should I Practice?

Whichever Pearson Assessment you're taking, it's essential that you practice first.

However, it's not necessary to practice any of the tests you won't be taking, so try and find out this information before beginning.

Practicing not only helps to improve your speed and accuracy, but it can also instil you with much-needed confidence on the day as you'll have an idea of what to expect.


What our customers say about our Pearson Tests

  • United Kingdom

    November 01, 2022

    Knowing I can do the tests

    This is the first time I have done a psychometric test. The time restraint adds to the pressure. I want to see if I can do them as I know I will need to do some for a job I have applied for.