Cubiks Tests

Prepare for your next Cubiks test with tailor-made practice materials.

What Is A Cubiks Assessment?

A Cubiks assessment is a suite of assessment tools used by employers as part of their recruitment process. The assessments are developed by Cubiks, a global company that specialises in providing assessment development and talent management tools for organisations.

There are different types of Cubiks assessments such as personality questionnaires, e-tray exercises, work-based simulations, and ability tests (Logiks tests). These assessments focus on screening and selecting candidates and are tailored to each organisation's recruitment and selection requirements.

The results of a Cubiks assessment enable employers to understand the abilities and strengths of candidates better. Along with the other elements of their selection process, employers can then select suitable candidates based on their capabilities for the vacancies they have to fill.

The Structure Of Cubiks Assessments

The structure of a Cubiks assessment can vary according to the assessment itself, with each test assessing a specific ability or work-based preference. As Cubiks assessments are bespoke to each organisation's requirements, this also means that the structure can vary.

For example, if sitting a Cubkis situational judgment test, the structure of this assessment will vary according to the type of work an employer does and the preferences and capabilities the employer wants to assess.

Logiks assessments also vary in structure, with some being offered as standalone tests if an employer wants to assess one specific ability. Or as the one test split into different sections, with each section assessing a particular ability.

Logiks Test Types

Cubiks ability tests are called Logiks tests. These tests are timed and assess three abilities that many employers look for in applicants:

The Logiks test is split into three parts, with each part assessing a specific ability.

The numerical reasoning test assesses a candidate's ability to understand and use numerical data to solve problems.

The verbal reasoning test assesses a candidate's ability to read and understand a passage of information and make reasoned conclusions from this.

The abstract reasoning test is a type of logical reasoning test that assesses a candidate's ability to review, understand, and interpret data patterns and make conclusions as to what comes next in the sequence.

Logiks tests are offered as Logiks intermediate level test and a Logiks advanced level test.

Logiks General Intermediate

The Logiks general intermediate test is a timed test.

There are 50 questions in total. The test is split into three parts, with each part assessing a specific ability: numerical, verbal reasoning, and abstract reasoning. There are twelve minutes in total to answer all 50 questions.

The test is split as follows with four minutes to answer each section:

  • In the numerical reasoning section, there are 16 questions to answer
  • In the verbal reasoning section, there are 24 questions to answer
  • The abstract reasoning section has ten questions to answer.

Logiks Advanced

In the same way that the intermediate test is timed, so is the logiks advanced test.

The difference between the intermediate and the advanced test is the level of difficulty, the amount of time given for the advanced test, and the test's format.

Logiks advanced tests are offered as standalone tests by ability or as one test that assesses numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning.

In the one Logiks advanced test, there are 30 questions to answer in 20 minutes.

The standalone ability tests require candidates to answer between 20 - 36 questions. There are 20 - 25 minutes to answer these questions with the number of questions asked and the time limit depends on the ability to be assessed.

Cubiks Papi Personality Test

The Cubiks Personality and Preference Inventory (Papi) test are different from the Logiks tests because they are not ability tests. These tests assess a candidate's preferences, characteristics, and traits in work-based situations in 7 key areas:

  • Ideas and Change
  • Impact and Drive
  • Engagement
  • Interaction
  • Composure
  • Organisation and Structure
  • Work momentum

There are two parts to a Cubiks Papi test. The Papi I (Forced choice) test and the Papi N (Normative) test.

The Papi N test asks questions on how you prefer to behave at work in work-based situations. The questions are presented as statements with a 1 - 7 rating of preferences. Candidates then select the preference that best describes how they like to work or behave when considering work situations.

The Papi I test is presented as a series of questions with three statement answers. Candidates must read the question then pick the statement that best describes them and the statement that least describes them.

It is worth noting that the Papi tests aren't timed tests; each Papi test takes candidates up to 35 minutes to complete.

Situational Judgement Test

The Cubiks situational judgment test is again different from an ability test in that it looks at a candidate's preferences in how they prefer to behave in work situations.

The situational judgment tests are bespoke to each organisation and ask questions based on work-based scenarios that candidates are likely to encounter on the job. The number of questions and time limit varies by assessment.

Situational Judgement tests are often used in leadership position assessments. The responses are analysed against the key traits and behaviours required for the position.

It is helpful to remember that there are no right or wrong answers in a situational judgment test.

Tips To Pass Cubiks Tests

Answer all the questions

It is important to answer all of the questions asked when sitting a Cubkis test; the more questions answered correctly, the higher the overall score will be.

If in doubt, make a reasonable guess and then move onto the following questions.

Pay Attention To Detail

It is important to ensure that you understand the question being asked to select your best answer. Even with the time pressure of the ability tests, ensure that you read and understand the questions being asked.

Practice As Many Logiks Ability Tests As You Can

Practicing ability tests before sitting the actual test itself will enable you to become familiar with the format and the style of questioning. When practicing, make sure that you practice under timed conditions.

Avoid Distractions

When sitting the test, make sure you do so in a quiet place free from noise or distractions. All Logiks tests, whether they are timed or not, require candidates to concentrate fully. This ensures that you give yourself the best opportunity to read, understand and select the answers you believe to be correct and, in turn, perform at your best.

Learn The Multiplication Table

The Logiks ability tests are timed tests. Recalling the multiplication table when answering questions, especially in the numerical reasoning test, will help you complete the test within the time limit.

Sample Cubiks Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Based on the passage, which of the following statements would most accurately characterize Company X's performance?

In the last quarter, Company X released a statement indicating that its profits had doubled compared to the previous year, much of which was due to a reduction in operational costs and an increase in market share.

  • Company X has reduced its market share.
  • Company X's operational costs have increased.
  • Company X has become more efficient and increased its market presence.
  • Company X's profits have decreased.

Identify the conclusion drawn from the following statement: 'All fruit bats feed primarily on fruit. Nocturnal bats feed at night. Therefore, some creatures that feed at night feed primarily on fruit.'

  • All nocturnal bats are fruit bats.
  • Some fruit bats feed at night.
  • No creatures that feed at night eat fruit.
  • All creatures that feed at night are nocturnal bats.

Four people are sitting in a row facing north: Alex, Bailey, Chris, and Dana, not necessarily in that order. Alex is sitting to the immediate right of Bailey and to the immediate left of Dana. Chris is not sitting at the far left. Who is sitting second from the right?

  • Alex
  • Bailey
  • Chris
  • Dana

If the first two statements are true, is the final statement true? Statement 1: The marketing department approved the new advertisement. Statement 2: The new advertisement increased sales. Statement 3: The marketing department is responsible for sales increases.

  • Yes, the statement is definitely true.
  • Yes, the statement is possibly true.
  • No, the statement cannot be true.
  • There is not enough information to conclude.

A project manager estimates that a project will take 10 days to complete if 3 team members are working on it full-time. However, if the number of team members doubles, the project will take 50% less time. How many days will the project take to complete with 6 team members?

  • 3 days
  • 5 days
  • 7 days
  • 15 days

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Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


Cubiks Tests Tips

Understand the Format

Getting to grips with how Cubiks assessments are structured is a fantastic first step. Cubiks tests are varied and might include personality questionnaires, e-tray exercises, or work simulations. By understanding the format, you'll be one step ahead when you face the real thing. Over at Psychometric Tests, we provide you with a good feel for what to expect, helping you navigate through different kinds of questions with ease.

Practice with Purpose

It's not just about practicing endlessly; it's about practicing smartly. Know what skills each test is evaluating, be it your numerical reasoning with Logiks tests or your decision-making abilities in work-based simulations. Our practice exams at Psychometric Tests are tailored to help you focus on the areas that need the most attention.

Self-Reflect on Your Performance

After taking a practice test, take a moment to self-reflect. Identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Psychometric Tests offers feedback on your practice tests, giving you the insight you need to understand your performance and how you can enhance your skills for the real assessment.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is crucial. Cubiks assessments may be timed, making it essential to keep pace without sacrificing accuracy. On Psychometric Tests, you can practice under timed conditions to get comfortable with the pressure, ensuring that when it's game time, you're ready to perform at your best.

Stay Calm and Confident

A positive mindset can greatly influence test performance. Keeping calm under pressure and maintaining confidence in your abilities is key. Psychometric Tests offers a simulated exam environment that can help you build confidence and reduce nerves before the actual assessment day arrives.

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  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 74 Employer packages
  • 22 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
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  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
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Cubiks Tests FAQs

Are Cubiks Tests Hard?

If you aren't familiar with what a Cubkis test assesses, the tests may appear hard for some candidates.

By practicing Cubiks tests and ensuring you understand the questions and the background to the test, you will become familiar with what and how the questions are asked. This will make taking the test and performing at your best during the test easier.

How Do You Prepare For A Cubiks Reasoning Test?

The best way to prepare for a Cubkis reasoning test is to practice each of the ability tests. When practicing, do so under timed conditions to simulate the time pressure you will face when sitting the test itself.

How Can I Do Well In An Aptitude Test?

By ensuring that you read the question, are aware of any time limits, and keep calm under pressure, you can perform at your best when taking an aptitude test.

Which Companies Use Cubiks Tests?

Many companies use Cubiks tests as part of their recruitment process. Examples include L'Oreal, EY, BT, KPMG, and the National Audit Office (UK).


What our customers say about our Cubiks Tests

  • Jamaica

    April 17, 2023

    Challenging but interesting

    I liked that the test used easy-to-identify objects. Some questions were really hard to figure out.