Cut-e (Aon) Tests

Prepare for your next Cut-e test with tailor-made practice materials.

Cut-e is a talent assessment publisher that was acquired by Aon, a professional services company, in 2017. The tests are still known as Cut-e tests, however, and the unique structure and layout of the assessments are one of the reasons that if you are facing a Cut-e test as part of a job application or for in-role development, it is important that you know what to expect.

What Is A Cut-e Assessment?

Cut-e assessments are used in a huge range of industries, from financial services to airlines, from entry-level positions to management. There are a range of aptitude, personality and skills tests available, and the specific combination of tests that you will face will depend on the role you are applying for.

The Cut-e range of assessments are mostly timed, and designed to be quick to take so they last no more than 20 or so minutes. They are taken online, usually via a link that is emailed to candidates, and the results are used by the recruitment team to screen potential employees by their aptitudes and skills.

Cut-e assessments need specific preparation as they are presented differently to any other psychometric tests - in terms of structure and layout, particularly.

At the beginning of every test, there are detailed instructions about how to answer, and an interactive practice session to make sure that you know exactly what to do in each question.

The Structure Of Cut-e Assessments

Cut-e Aptitude Test Scales: Numerical Ability

The numerical ability assessment is testing your ability to read, understand and analyse information presented in tables and charts, much like a typical numerical reasoning assessment.

However, the difference in the scales: numerical ability test is that the information you need is presented across several different tabs, like a case study. All the tabs relate to a fictional company.

Each question that you will be asked is presented as a statement, and you need to decide if the statement is true, false, or if there is insufficient information to say.

To answer the questions, you need to quickly navigate between the tabs to find the relevant data in the right table.

There are different tests available depending on the type of role that you have applied for; there is no difference in difficulty, just the content of the 'case study' will be more relevant for that type of role. The categories are consumer, financial, and industrial.

In this assessment, you will have just 12 minutes to answer 37 questions.

There are also other numerical scales tests that look at basic and applied numeracy, like your ability to complete equations and calculate percentages, for example.

Cut-e Aptitude Test Scales: Verbal Reasoning

The Cut-e verbal reasoning test is the same as assessments that are created by other publishers, in as much as they are assessing your ability to quickly read, understand and analyse information presented in the text.

However, unlike other publishers who use a separate passage of text for each question, the whole test is based on a series of shorter paragraphs, arranged in different tabs, and all about the same fictional company. Like the numerical scales, this is presented as a case study.

Each question on the assessment is a statement and you need to find the relevant paragraph in the tabs, and decide whether the statement is true, false, or if there is insufficient information to decide.

There are 49 questions in this assessment, and you will have just 12 minutes to answer them.

In the same way as the numerical test, there are three different categories of verbal assessment: consumer, financial and industrial. The category you will take will depend on the business you have applied for, but they are all the same in terms of the level of difficulty.

Cut-e Aptitude Test Scales: Logical Ability

The Logical Ability Scales are separated into inductive and deductive reasoning, and the type of logical test that you will take will depend on the role you have applied for and the seniority of the position.

In logical tests, you are being assessed on your ability to draw a logical conclusion from the information presented.

Scales cls - inductive logical thinking

In this assessment, you are provided with 12 questions that need to be answered in 12 minutes. Each question is a set of 6 tables, arranged into two groups (either blue, or orange). Each group has a rule that dictates their pattern.

There are four further tables that you need to allocate to the right colour group according to the pattern.

Scales ix - Inductive Logical Thinking

Each question is a row of nine objects, and all but one are part of a particular pattern. You need to decide which one is the odd one out.

There are 20 questions, and you have just 5 minutes to answer.

Scales lst - Deductive Reasoning

This is a gamified logical assessment, where you are presented with a series of 4 x 4 squares containing a selection of shapes. One of the squares has a question mark, and you need to decide which of the multiple-choice answers will fit in that square. The rules of the boxes are similar to Sudoku in that each row and column can only have one of each shape in it.

This assessment has a six minute time limit and an unlimited number of questions, which get progressively harder as well to include 5 x 5 squares.

Scales sx - Deductive Logical Thinking

In this assessment, you are presented with a row of symbols, and underneath is that row of symbols which have been rearranged, and you need to work out what the operator is that shows the change.

Each symbol is represented as a number, so you need to choose the relevant number sequence that describes the change of position in the symbols between the two rows.

Again, this assessment has unlimited questions, but a five minute time limit.

Cut-e Sqares Integrity

The integrity test is looking for what is described as counterproductive work behaviors, like distraction, boredom, superficiality, indifference, ambiguity, and opportunism.

To assess this, several statements are presented, and you need to decide which part of a sliding scale best describes you - from one end holds less true for me than for others, in the middle holds equally true for me and for others and at the other end holds more true for me than for others. You do not need to score these at the extremes of the scale, as you can pick a position anywhere along the bar.

This is a self-assessment, and only takes 10 minutes.

Cut-e Shapes Personality Test

The Shapes test is an adaptive questionnaire that presents different statements depending on your previous answers. Each page presents three statements, and you have six points to share between them according to how accurately you feel the statements describe you.

Like other Cut-e tests, there are slightly different tests depending on the role and level you have applied for, with relevant personality traits being assessed.

If you are applying for a sales role, you will be assessed on 24 personality traits, each tested using six statements. This assessment is one of the longest, taking 20 minutes.

For a graduate role, there are 18 traits with 6 statements each being assessed, taking 10-15 minutes.

Managerial applicants are tested on 18 traits, with 8 statements each, and the test lasts 10-15 minutes.

This is a self-assessment, and along with the Cut-e Squares assessment, your scores are compared against an 'ideal candidate' profile.

Tips To Pass Cut-e Tests

Answer All Questions If You Can

In the same way as many aptitude tests, you are allocated one point for every correct answer, but the Cut-e tests are negatively marked - which means you are deducted one mark for every incorrect answer.

In practice this means that when you are taking a test it is better to leave the answer blank than risk a point deduction - so do not rush to answer if you do not know.

Know Which Cut-e Tests You Are Taking

It is unlikely that you will take just one Cut-e test as part of the application process, but you will be told by the recruitment team which tests you will be facing so you can get prepared.

If you want to get ahead of your competition, preparation and practice is key.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Being tested is nerve-wracking, but if you feel more familiar and comfortable with the test format, the type of questions being asked, and the time limits.

You can find accurate practice tests that are based on the actual format and question types of the Cut-e tests, which is the best way to prepare. Treat the practice tests like the real thing - take them under test conditions and be strict with the time limit.

Avoid Distractions

Although you can take the Cut-e tests on mobile devices, the larger screen of a PC or laptop might make it easier for you to see the questions properly - and it might be easier to avoid distractions.

When you are taking the assessments, be sure that you are somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed, turn off notifications, and ensure you have a fast and reliable internet connection.

Get Your Timings Right

Cut-e tests are short - which means that you need to work fast to give yourself the best opportunity of a high score.

Some questions give you just a matter of seconds to read, understand the content and answer, so speed is of the essence.

Sample Cut-e (Aon) Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Two shapes are considered 'Conjugates' if they have the same number of sides and each side of one shape is twice the length of the corresponding side on the other shape. If Shape A is a conjugate of Shape B, what can we infer?

  • Shape A and Shape B must be circles.
  • The area of Shape A is four times that of Shape B.
  • Shape A has more sides than Shape B.
  • Shape B is twice the size of Shape A.

A system processes data according to certain rules. If the first step involves doubling a number and the second step adds five to the result, what would be the output of the third step that subtracts three from the second step, when the input is 8?

  • 18
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22

Examine the following statements and determine which is logically consistent with the statement: 'All managers in the firm are experienced professionals, but not all experienced professionals are managers.'

  • Some managers in the firm may not be experienced professionals.
  • All experienced professionals in the firm are managers.
  • There are experienced professionals in the firm who are not managers.
  • No experienced professionals in the firm are managers.

An investor reviewed the percentage return of two stocks over the past year. Stock A returned 15% in the first half of the year and 10% in the second half, while Stock B returned 10% in the first half and 15% in the second half. Which stock had the highest overall annual return?

  • Stock A
  • Stock B
  • Both stocks had the same overall annual return.
  • Unable to determine with the information given.

In a written statement, the author argues that implementing a four-day workweek can improve employee productivity and job satisfaction. Based on this, what can be inferred about the author's view on the traditional five-day workweek?

  • It is aligned with modern work standards.
  • It is the best possible schedule for productivity.
  • It may have drawbacks in terms of productivity and satisfaction.
  • It cannot be improved upon.

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With Psychometric Tests, I was able to prepare for the interview process efficiently, clearly and at my own pace.

Pav used Psychometric Tests to ace the interview process at the Civil Service


Cut-e (Aon) Tests Tips

Familiarize with the Format

Cut-e assessments have a unique layout that can be tricky if you're seeing it for the first time during the test. That's why exploring the structure is vital before the actual exam. At Psychometric Tests, we provide a layout that's similar to the real Cut-e tests, enabling you to become comfortable with the format beforehand. This way, you’ll spend less time figuring out what to do and more time showcasing your skills.

Keep an Eye on the Clock

Time management is crucial as Cut-e assessments are timed, usually lasting around 20 minutes. It's important not to get bogged down by any single question. Practice pacing at Psychometric Tests by using our timed practice exams. This will help you gauge how much time to allocate per question and improve your overall speed.

Understand the Question Types

Being quick on your feet is a plus, but understanding the variety of questions that come your way is even better. The Cut-e ranges from aptitude to personality tests, all with different questions types. By practicing different question types on Psychometric Tests, you can develop a sense of confidence, knowing what to expect and how to deal with each one.

Simulate the Test Environment

Cut-e tests are taken online, which means practicing in a similar setting can enhance your performance. Create a quiet, uninterrupted space to take practice tests at Psychometric Tests. It's also a good idea to simulate test conditions by sticking to timed sessions and avoiding breaks, just like in the actual Cut-e exam.

Review and Reflect

After each practice on Psychometric Tests, take the time to review your answers. Reflection is key to understanding what areas need improvement and why certain mistakes were made. This strategizing after each test practice session will not only help you pinpoint your weaknesses but also track your improvement over time.

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  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 74 Employer packages
  • 22 Publisher packages
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Cut-e (Aon) Tests FAQs

What's The Goal Of The Cut-e Test?

Cut-e tests, like other psychometric assessments, are designed to give employers a fair screening tool that can be used to reduce a pool of candidates for a role according to their skills and aptitudes.

They can also be used for employees already in a role to assess suitability for promotions or to identify training needs.

What Types Of Cut-e/Aon Assessment Can You Face?

There are nearly 40 different tests available from Cut-e, ranging from numerical, verbal and logical reasoning to mechanical and spatial reasoning. There are also a number of different personality tests as well as specific skills assessments like language skills.

Which Companies Use The Cut-e Assessment?

The Cut-e assessment range is used across a wide range of industries, so you can find these assessments in the application process of companies like:

Burger King




Credit Suisse


Many of these companies use a bespoke combination of Cut-e assessments to find the perfect combination of personality, work behavior, aptitudes and skills that make a good candidate for the role.

How Long Is A Cut-e/Aon Test?

Cut-e tests are among the shortest aptitude tests, ranging from 5-20 minutes each - although you might have several to take at once which will make the total testing time longer.


What our customers say about our Cut-e Tests

  • United Kingdom

    April 06, 2022

    Good tests, challenging for sure!

    I felt that some of the answers, though correct, were not displayed as accurately as they should have been.

  • United States of America

    February 03, 2023

    There is more than one way to solve these.

    I liked learning how you can find different rules, and still get the correct answers. Also, take the time to count dots carefully!