NZSIS Assessments

Prepare for the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Careers in the NZSIS

The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) is the public service agency tasked with keeping New Zealand, and its people, safe through security and intelligence measures.

NZSIS is also responsible for some aspects of international relations and supporting the economic growth and general wellbeing of New Zealand. The service is politically neutral.

NZSIS headquarters are based in Wellington, but there are also offices in Auckland, Christchurch, and even overseas.

Types of NZSIS jobs

There are many different roles to be found at NZSIS. From case officers who gather information, through to surveillance offices who support national security operations and play an active and dynamic role in keeping people safe.

NZSIS is proud to be a diverse employer; one that actively encourages people from every different background to apply for roles, so long as they're united by the common goal of keeping the country and its people safe.

How To Get A Job In The NZSIS

NZSIS Application Process

The first step of the application process is to find any role(s) that appeal to your interests and individual qualifications and skills.

Before submitting an application form, you need to ensure you meet the following criteria:

  • You're a New Zealand citizen
  • You meet the required standards for the role
  • You can successfully pass the security check and psychological assessments

The application process is lengthy, and it must be kept confidential throughout. You must be comfortable with this and are willing to commit to each stage of the process. If you're unsure, it might be best to rethink.

NZSIS Online Application

The online application form is your chance to sell yourself by answering questions related to your education, experience and qualifications.

Ensure you check the form carefully before sending, and that all the information you've provided is concise, accurate and demonstrates why you might be the right person for the role.

NZSIS Interviews

Much like any other interview, you'll be expected to answer questions on your background and experience, as well as why you think you'd be the best candidate for the role.

You'll also need to have done your research on NZSIS; who they are, what they do and why you feel like you'd be a good fit for the service.

You may also have to answer additional questions related to your understanding and commitment to the demands of the role.

NZSIS Aptitude Tests

There are a series of psychological tests that you may be asked to complete one or more of, it just depends on which role you're applying for.

NZSIS Personality

Personality assessments help NZSIS get a better understanding of the type of person you are, how you react to certain scenarios, and whether you're likely to be a good fit for the team you're applying to.

It's very important to answer honestly, both for yourself and for your prospective employer.

The rigorous nature of the application process means you're likely to come unstuck if you don't answer truthfully when it comes to both your strengths and weaknesses.

NZSIS Spatial Reasoning Tests

Spatial reasoning tests are designed to assess how adept candidates are at mentally manipulating two and three-dimensional objects, and how well they understand the properties of different shapes.

Particularly useful for engineering and technical positions, the test can also be a good indicator of how strong you are at solving problems and drawing conclusions from limited objects.

NZSIS Logical Reasoning Test

Logical reasoning tests are used to determine the strength of candidates' problem-solving skills.

The questions are presented in various different formats but will be mostly non-verbal and non-numerical. Each question will help recruiters assess how well you fare at using limited information to solve challenges.

NZSIS Abstract Reasoning Test

Abstract reasoning tests assess how well you can identify relationships and patterns between seemingly random sequences of images, shapes or data.

It's yet another psychological test that is looking to uncover your ability to problem solve under pressure.

NZSIS Mechanical Reasoning Test

Mechanical tests are very specific. They cover mechanical and sometimes electrical properties, and will only be set in roles where this knowledge is essential (usually mechanical or engineering positions).

NZSIS Skill Test

Skills tests are used when NZSIS want to assess your strengths and weaknesses through a very specific set of tasks or skills. This will depend on the role you're applying for and its requirements.

NZSIS Numerical Reasoning Test

Numerical reasoning tests are usually made up of multiple-choice questions on data, graphs and tables.

This test helps NZSIS to determine how strong candidates' mathematical skills are, and whether they can show numerical accuracy under time pressure.

NZSIS Situational Judgement Tests (SJT)

Situational judgement tests help employers to get a better understanding of your workplace persona through questions about how you'd react to certain scenarios common to the role you're applying for.

NZSIS Diagrammatic Reasoning Test

Diagrammatic reasoning tests are another way to assess your problem-solving skills, and how capable you are at deducing rules and patterns from limited information.

NZSIS In-depth background enquiries

The background enquiries will help build a picture of your life and circumstances and will give NZSIS a better idea of whether you'll be able to meet the demands and criteria of the role.

Tips To Get Hired At NZSIS

1. Practice psychological tests

However competent you feel you are at the tests you're being asked to take, it's essential to practice them beforehand.

Not only will it help you to improve your skills, speed and accuracy, it'll also ensure you feel more confident on the day as you'll know what to expect.

2. Don't tell anyone

Confidentiality is an essential part of the NZSIS recruitment process, and will be a massive part of the role, should you be offered it.

Being able to respect this and take it seriously is a fundamental part of working for NZSIS, so those that may struggle would be wise to consider if this is the right employer for them.

3. Do Your Research

Research into NZSIS and their work is essential for the interview process.

As well as the values and overall goals of the service, it's helpful to look at their communications, what they're working on and what challenges they may be evolving to meet.

Sample NZSIS Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A sequence of risk mitigation strategies begins with 'Assess', followed by 'Plan'. What is the most likely next step in the sequence?

  • Execute
  • Review
  • Implement
  • Conclude

If a surveillance team needs to rotate observing a subject every 3 hours to avoid detection and there are 4 members in the team, how many full rotations does each person complete in a 24-hour period?

  • 1 rotation
  • 2 rotations
  • 3 rotations
  • 4 rotations

A covert device requires equal pressure on all sides to remain undetected. If the device has a pressure sensor with readings A, B, C, and D indicating pressure levels on the four sides and the normal reading is 75 psi, which sensor reading indicates a potential compromise: A=74 psi, B=77 psi, C=75 psi, or D=73 psi?

  • A=74 psi
  • B=77 psi
  • C=75 psi
  • D=73 psi

What is the underlying assumption in the statement: 'The improvements in the agency's data analytics capabilities have significantly reduced response times to national security threats'?

  • Data analytics have improved
  • There are national security threats
  • Response times should be reduced
  • The agency is the only one using data analytics

Which statement best describes the tone of the message? 'We acknowledge the potential risks, yet our confidence in the operational plan is unwavering.'

  • Indecisive
  • Pessimistic
  • Cautionary
  • Confident

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Try one of our NZSIS tests for FREE.

With Psychometric Tests, I was able to prepare for the interview process efficiently, clearly and at my own pace.

Pav used Psychometric Tests to ace the interview process at the Civil Service


NZSIS Assessments Tips

Know Your Operator

Understanding the NZSIS and its core responsibilities can give you a significant edge in your preparation. Get to know the mission and values of the NZSIS - it will not only help you answer potential situational judgment questions with the agency's perspective in mind but also show your genuine interest in the role.

Keep Calm and Strategize

Practice exams from Psychometric Tests can simulate the pressure of the real test day. Use these simulations to develop a strategy that keeps you calm and focused. Whether it's deep breathing or systematic question review, find what works for you and stick with it during the actual exam.

Study Smart

On Psychometric Tests, you'll find a variety of practice exams tailored to the types of tests you'll face when applying to the NZSIS. Focus on the areas that challenge you the most and continuously track your improvement. Studying smart means investing time in your weak spots to turn them into strengths.

Reflect on Feedback

After each practice exam on Psychometric Tests, take the time to go through your results thoroughly. Reflect on the feedback to pinpoint where you can improve. This reflection process is vital in refining your approach and improving your performance with every attempt.

Time is of the Essence

Time management is crucial during these exams. Familiarize yourself with the time limits for each section using the timed practice tests available on Psychometric Tests. Learn to pace yourself to ensure that you're not spending too much time on any single question.

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NZSIS Assessments FAQs

How do you become a spy in NZ?

You'll need to be able to get through the NZSIS recruitment process, and you'll also need to pass a background and security check. You also need to meet the following criteria:

You're a New Zealand citizen

You meet the required standards for the role

You can successfully pass the security check and psychological assessments

How long does the hiring process take?

The length of the NZSIS recruitment process depends on the role you're applying for, but it's fair to say it will involve a considerable time commitment.

Does NZSIS pay well?

NZSIS salaries are comparable to that of other public sector roles. Pay also depends on the role you're applying for, and your level of seniority.