NGDP Assessments

Prepare for the NGDP recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Careers In The NGDP

NGDP stands for the National Graduate Development Programme - a fast-track graduate careers programme for individuals looking to make a difference within their local government (UK).

The 2-year programme focuses on tackling big community issues such as:

  • Reducing homelessness
  • Protecting the environment
  • Caring for vulnerable children
  • Regenerating areas that suffer from crime and poverty

Over 50 local councils work with the NGDP and once completed you will gain a level 7 qualification in Leadership and Management, which is fully funded.

If you are looking for an opportunity to make a measurable and impactful difference, you should consider applying for the NGDP programme.

Types of Jobs At NGDP

Graduates will take on three or four different work placements to learn about different areas of local government as well as the public sector. You might encounter opportunities ranging from frontline projects in housing, social care to back-office areas such as law, HR, and corporate functions.

NGDP Application Process

The application process for NGDP is fairly competitive since the programme is popular amongst graduates and has been consistently ranked within the top 100 graduate employers over its 20-year history.

The application process consists of the following stages:

  • Online application
  • Online tests
  • Video Interview
  • Virtual Assessment Centre
  • Interviews With Councils

Candidates who do well during the application process are typically well prepared for each stage and have done thorough research and preparation in advance. You should use this guide as well as our practice tests to prepare yourself for the recruitment rounds.

NGDP Online Application

You will be required to submit an online application when applying for a job with NGDP. The online application is what you would typically expect - requiring you to fill out your contact information, education, work experience and to answer a series of questions about your eligibility for the role.

It's important at this stage to ensure you check your application is up to date and ensure you spell-check. Attention to detail and error checking are important skills in NGDP and qualities recruiters pay attention to.

NGDP Aptitude Tests

Once you've submitted an online application you will be required to complete one online test that examines a variety of skills, behaviours and your work ethics.

Typically, the top 50% of test-takers are shortlisted for these types of tests so it's important to get lots of practice so that you improve your score and increase your chances of being shortlisted.

NGDP uses the test publisher SHL for their reasoning tests which focus on assessing key skills - cognitive, behavioural, personality and job-focused competencies.

The online tests include:

  • Situational Judgement Test
  • Verbal Reasoning Test
  • Numerical Reasoning Test

If successful, you will move onto the interview stages of the NGDP recruitment process.

NGDP Situational Judgement Test

A situational judgement test examines your ability to respond well in realistic workplace situations and how closely you meet the ideal work profile based on your responses. You will have to rate your most likely and least likely response to a range of situations - the answers are not always obvious.

Although there are no right or wrong answers for this type of test format, it's important to be strategic and remember NGDP's values. This should help make the choices a bit easier.

The SJT helps NGDP assess if you have the right kind of work ethics and values as their employees and if you'll make a good cultural fit.

NGDP Verbal Reasoning Test

A verbal reasoning test is an assessment to measure your comprehension skills. It is a timed test consisting of multiple-choice questions. You will be provided with dense passages of text that you must read and decide whether statements about the text are true, false or if you cannot tell.

The verbal reasoning test is useful for NGDP to assess how efficiently you can understand information and summarise the important details.

NGDP Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning assessment is a timed test that requires you to answer a series of multiple-choice maths questions with approximately one minute per question.

The maths topics covered are at GCSE level (or equivalent) - but the real challenge is your ability to solve the questions under timed pressure. Many people practice numerical reasoning tests beforehand to make sure they have the basics covered and are prepared for the fast-paced nature of the test.

NGDP uses numerical reasoning tests as a fair and accurate way to assess problem-solving skills and mathematics for roles that require numerical reasoning. The test helps recruiters quickly see which candidates have strong numerical reasoning skills.

NGDP Video Interview

If you score well enough in your tests and meet the application criteria you may be shortlisted and invited for a video interview.

You will be required to record your answers to preset questions instead of answering them face to face with someone. Your responses are scored against a list of core competencies that help the recruiter assess your behavioural profile and fit for the programme.

It is strongly recommended that you do your research about the sector in detail as you may be asked about your motivations for wanting to work for the local government and the public sector.

Typical questions might include:

  • What is a key issue current local communities are facing? How would you tackle this?
  • Describe a time when you implemented change effectively
  • Why do you want to be on the programme?
  • Think of a time you worked on a large project. What were your strengths and weaknesses and the challenges you faced?

It is recommended you use the STAR method to structure your answers.

NGDP Virtual Assessment Centre

For the virtual assessment centre you will be invited to take part in a series of exercises:

  • Individual
  • Group
  • Written analysis

NGDP Individual Task

For the individual task, you'll typically be asked to present on a topic or case study. You'll be assessed on your communication, organisation, attention to detail as well as how well your work under pressure.

NGDP Group Exercise

The group task involves working within a team to discuss an agenda, debating an issue and coming to an agreed-upon decision.

You'll be assessed on your leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills. It's important to try and get a good balance between listening and interacting in the group.

NGDP Written Analysis Exercise

The written analysis is a written report/essay that you might be asked to complete. You'll be given lots of information on an issue which you need to write a short piece on what you have learnt. The challenge is prioritising information under timed conditions.

NGDP Interviews With Councils

The final stage during the assessment centre are opportunities to talk with different members of the councils that offer placements. Researching the councils you are meeting with beforehand could give you an advantage when trying to make a good first impression.

You may be asked about your motivations for joining as well as a series of competency-based questions. Preparation for your meetings is key.

How To Get On The NGDP Programme

In order to do well and secure a place on the programme you need to be able to demonstrate the following key skills and behaviours that NGDP recruiters are measuring candidates on:

  • Working with others
  • Persuasive communication
  • Planning and organisation
  • Drive for results
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Motivation for learning and personal resilience
  • Commitment to local government and the wider community
  • Leadership potential

Tips To Get Hired At NGDP

1. Read up on local government

It's always important to do your research beforehand so if you are asked any questions you are well prepared. Reading up on local government is one of the top tips NGDP talks about to prepare for your interview. You should have a clear idea of what working in the sector will be like and the issues local councils face.

2. Be able to explain your motivations

Knowing why you want to work in government and the public sector is an important question you'll be asked. NGDP recruiters are looking for passionate and bright people whose purpose align with theirs. Think hard about your motivations and why.

3. Practice lots of aptitude tests

During the shortlisting process, you'll be given a series of aptitude tests to complete. You'll want to have practiced lots of these beforehand so you can ensure you'll score well on the tests.

Sample NGDP Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Based on the passage below, what recommendation can be inferred for local governments to improve civic engagement?

The participation of young people in local governance has historically been low. Research shows that when offered opportunities to engage in councils and forums via digital platforms, there is a notable increase in youth involvement. This trend aligns with the contemporary expectation that accessibility and convenience are primary concerns for younger demographics.

  • Decrease funding allocated to youth engagement initiatives.
  • Focus exclusively on in-person forums to boost participation.
  • Encourage youth engagement by leveraging digital platforms for councils and forums.
  • Ignore the preferences of younger demographics to save costs.
  • Outsource youth councils to private entities.

A project budget was set at £120,000 to be utilized across 4 years. Due to policy changes, the annual budget needs to be increased by 5% each subsequent year. How much will be the total budget available at the end of 4 years?

  • £126,300
  • £137,610
  • £130,000
  • £148,800
  • £127,500

In reviewing the population growth statistics for a local area, you've determined that the year-over-year growth rate is 3%. If the current population is 200,000, what is the projected population in two years' time?

  • 206,000
  • 206,180
  • 212,360
  • 209,000
  • 218,545

After reading the passage, what is the author’s main argument?

In a world where local governments are striving to ensure maximal operational efficiency and public engagement, it is paramount that strategies involve inclusive community planning and transparent governance. By integrating technology with citizen-centric services, local authorities can cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship with residents, enhancing civic participation and trust in the process.

  • Technology should replace traditional government services.
  • Maximal operational efficiency can be achieved through ad hoc strategies.
  • Transparent governance and community planning are essential for local governments.
  • Local governments are not in need of operational improvements.
  • Inclusive community planning hinders public engagement.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the passage provided?

The allocation of resources for social programs in the local community has been a topic of much debate. A recent survey indicated that 80% of residents believe that more funding should be devoted to education and public health. Consequently, a number of proposed infrastructure projects have started to gain opposition, with many advocating for a reallocated budget to serve the immediate social needs.

  • Infrastructure projects are the top priority for the local community.
  • Most residents have a neutral opinion on the allocation of local resources.
  • There is a growing demand to prioritize social programs over infrastructure in budget allocation.
  • The local government is opposed to funding education and public health.
  • Proposals for infrastructure are unanimously accepted.

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Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


NGDP Assessments Tips

Get Familiar with the Format

A key to overcoming the initial jitters of any exam is to know exactly what you're walking into. For the NGDP's selection process, familiarize yourself with the types of questions and the format of the tests. Our suite of practice exams at Psychometric Tests mirrors the actual exam structure, providing you with a comfortable understanding before the big day. By practicing with us, you’re not just remembering answers, you’re getting to know the rhythm and flow of the questions.

Understand the Sector

The National Graduate Development Programme isn't just looking for good test-takers; they want individuals passionate and informed about local government. While practicing for the NGDP tests, immerse yourself in the current affairs, challenges, and achievements of the UK's local government sector. This will not only help with potential scenario-based questions but will also arm you with knowledge that demonstrates your dedication in interviews.

Time Management is Key

During practice tests on Psychometric Tests, pay special attention to managing your time effectively. NGDP's exams may put you against the clock, which means you need to find that sweet spot between speed and accuracy. Our timed tests will help you develop a sense of urgency without sacrificing the quality of your responses, ensuring you don't get bogged down by tougher questions.

Stay Calm and Positive

It's easy to get wrapped up in the stress of preparing for tests that can shape your career trajectory. Practice tests help reduce anxiety by boosting confidence. Remind yourself of your past accomplishments and the effort you've put into preparing with Psychometric Tests. A positive mindset can be incredibly influential in your performance, so keep calm and carry on testing!

Feedback Leads to Improvement

After each practice test on Psychometric Tests, take the time to review your results comprehensively. We provide detailed feedback, highlighting areas of strength and those needing improvement. An honest evaluation of your performance is invaluable; it guides your study strategy and hones your focus on the sections where you can improve most significantly before the actual NGDP exams.

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NGDP Assessments FAQs

Where can I practice free test questions for the NGDP assessment?

You can practice free test questions using our online platform - no credit card sign up required.

What skills does the NGDP look for in a candidate?

NGDP looks for skills like leadership potential, analytical and problem-solving abilities, strong communication skills and a commitment to public service and community development.

Are NGDP assessments timed?

NGDP assessments are often timed to evaluate your ability to work under pressure and complete tasks efficiently.