HMRC Assessments

Prepare for the HMRC recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Careers at HMRC

HMRC is an employment agency who are responsible for collecting tax and duties from UK citizens. This tax funds all of the public services around the United Kingdom such as hospitals, public transport and schools. HMRC are also responsible for paying individuals their benefits and their wages, ensuring everyone is earning at least the minimum wage.

There is a range of jobs within HMRC such as working in legal services, finance and estate, and property management. These jobs are all classed as civil service jobs.

Types of roles at HMRC

HMRC offers a wide range of roles which are classed by different sectors. These sectors include prison and probation, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Justice as well as many more.

Types of roles which fit into these sectors include commercial manager, programme manager, diversity advisor and surveyor. All jobs which are led by the government are classed as HMRC roles.

How To Get Hired At HMRC

HMRC are looking for ambitious, proactive and dedicated workers to fill their vacancies. They want individuals who are eager to learn new talents and upskill in their careers.

A majority of HMRC jobs involve up-to-date technology, which means having computer skills will support your application.

You must also have the right to work in the UK and meet the civil service nationality rules.

HMRC Application Process

The application process stage is made up of five sections. These include: application form, online tests, interview, provisional offer and checks and start date advised.

HMRC Online Application

The online application form must include a copy of your CV, a statement claiming that you are suitable for the job and a written example of behaviours which you have demonstrated in previous positions.

The application forms are reviewed by members of the team and if there is enough evidence for you to progress you will be asked to complete the online psychometric tests which include verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, situational judgement and occupational personality.

When completing the application form, you should include as much evidence as possible supporting your role. All previous roles should be mentioned, highlighting the skills and experience you have gained that you would be able to use in the new role.

HMRC Psychometric Tests

HMRC Verbal Reasoning Test

A verbal reasoning test focuses on a candidate's communication and reading skills. There are often large passages on a wide range of subjects followed by questions. There is no prior knowledge needed, however understanding the format of the test will be beneficial.

Verbal reasoning skills can be assessed by the ability to identify important information and recall it in a variety of ways. Some questions may be true and false, or multiple choice questions. These may appear easier but still require the relevant information to be identified within the text.

HMRC Numerical Reasoning Test

A numerical reasoning test assesses the candidate’s ability with numbers. The test is made up of a range of mathematical problems including graphs, charts and work equations which require arithmetic skills to answer.

Arithmetic skills such as fractions, ratios, multiplication and division are demonstrated through each question. As well as the simple maths skills, it also tests how the candidates interpret the problem and understand how to identify the answer.

This test contains objective answers which means they are either right or wrong and it is possible to pass or fail this test.

HMRC Logical Reasoning Test

A logical reasoning test demonstrates an individual's key strengths and if they can apply logic to a situation. Usually, problems are presented which require logical steps to achieve the answer, which the candidate must work out.

Logical reasoning tests contain visual questions which have a pattern or sequence which needs to be identified. Each question will have a time limit of less than a minute, to encourage quick thinking and more pressure.

HMRC Situational Judgement Test

A situational judgement test uses workplace scenarios to find out what a candidate would do in a specific situation. The test is made up of multiple-choice questions which must be read through carefully for the correct answer to be identified.

Situational judgement tests are subjective and impossible to fail, however, the team recruiting will be analysing the results and looking for specific ones.

It is difficult to prepare for a situational judgement test as they are role-specific and often rely on the specifics a company is looking for.

HMRC Occupational Personality Test

An occupational personality test assesses a candidate's preferences in a professional situation. It is not about ability or skills, but more focused on the individual and the individual behaviour traits they have.

It is a self-report which relies on the candidate to identify the statements they relate to the best. Similar to the situational judgement test, this is not a test someone can fail, but it is best to be completely honest to ensure the right candidate is offered the right job.

HMRC Interview

In the interview, the interviewers are trying to find the candidate who will fit into the team the best. This means they want someone with a deep level of understanding and knowledge of the job and field. A lot of passion and ideas for the job and a key sense of direction of where the successful candidate would take it. As well as understanding and passion, the interviewer will be looking for someone who has a high level of critical thinking and can demonstrate that in their answers.

The interview will be with senior members of the team you are applying to join and last up to 30 minutes. They will ask a range of questions where you can offer experience and passion for the topic.

This is the time to demonstrate enthusiasm for the role and express what makes you stand out compared to the other candidates they have interviewed with.

Tips To Get Hired At HMRC

Be prepared

Practise online aptitude tests and interview questions, and understand your CV and personal statements. The more you know about the interview process the better you will do. Make the most of the free online tests and questions you can access over the internet.

Stay calm

An interview can be a very stressful thing, however, it is in your best interest to stay calm and represent yourself in the best way possible. Avoid getting stressed and forgetting the answers you have prepared or making silly mistakes in the online test.

You can stay calm by meditating or improving your breathing.

Create a good environment

When preparing for the interview and during online sections of the interview you need to ensure your environment is right. This means working in a quiet area where you can focus, following the time restrictions that will be in place for the real test and ensuring you have a good internet connection.

Sample HMRC Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

In a debate about the impacts of taxation on public services, you are given the following argument: 'High taxation levels stifle economic growth, reducing the funds available for public services.' Which of the following, if true, would most weaken this argument?

  • Countries with higher taxation levels often have more comprehensive and higher-quality public services.
  • Reducing taxation levels encourages individuals to spend more, thereby increasing economic growth.
  • Economic growth is defined primarily by the private sector, unrelated to public services.
  • Public services efficiency is not correlated with the amount of funding they receive.

While reviewing documentation related to taxes, one of your colleagues from the enforcement team inquires about the term 'tax evasion' which is different from 'tax avoidance'. Which of the following best defines 'tax evasion'?

  • Tax evasion refers to using illegal methods to avoid paying taxes.
  • Tax evasion means paying taxes promptly without any delays.
  • Tax evasion is about finding loopholes in the tax system to minimize tax payment.
  • Tax evasion is the legal optimization of one's financial affairs to reduce tax liability.

You are tasked with evaluating a set of logical statements to determine which one logically follows. 'If public funding increases, then social welfare programs can expand. Public funding has increased.' What is the logical conclusion?

  • Social welfare programs will expand.
  • Public funding is not related to social welfare programs.
  • Social welfare programs do not need public funding to expand.
  • Public funding will decrease as it is not sustainable.

A spreadsheet indicates that a public service had a budget allocation of £1,200,000 last year. This year, the service received a budget increase of 5%. How much more money did the public service receive this year compared to last year?

  • £60,000
  • £1,260,000
  • £1,200,000
  • £5,000

Consider a scenario where an overpayment of benefits has been made to a recipient due to an administrative error. According to best practices, what should be the first step in rectifying this situation?

  • Inform the recipient about the overpayment and discuss repayment options.
  • Immediately cut off ongoing benefits to recover the overpaid amount.
  • Ignore the overpayment as it was not the fault of the recipient.
  • Deduct an equivalent amount from the wages of the staff responsible for the error.

Build your confidence today

Try one of our HMRC tests for FREE.

Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


HMRC Assessments Tips

Familiarize with Test Formats

HMRC exams often include numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning elements. Familiarizing yourself with these formats can enhance your confidence.

Practice Time Management

These exams are typically timed. Work on your pacing to ensure you can complete tasks within the allotted time.

Review Basic Math and Grammar

A strong grasp of basic math and grammar is essential since numerical and verbal reasoning tests rely heavily on these skills.

Attempt Free Practice Tests on Psychometric Tests

Make the most of free practice tests available on Psychometric Tests to get a feel for the question types you'll encounter.

Stay Updated on Relevant Topics

HMRC roles may require up-to-date knowledge of tax laws and regulations. Staying informed can give you an edge.

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HMRC Assessments FAQs

What are the HMRC tests?

The HMRC tests are a collection of assessments designed to evaluate candidates' suitability for roles at HMRC. They typically involve numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning challenges aligned with the demands of tax and duties management roles.

Are the HMRC tests hard?

The difficulty of HMRC tests can vary based on an individual’s aptitudes. However, they are formulated to rigorously assess your problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which are crucial for succeeding in a role at HMRC.

How do I prepare for HMRC tests?

The best way to prepare for HMRC tests is through consistent practice. Psychometric Tests offers a plethora of practice tests that simulate the real exams, helping you hone the skills needed to excel.

How long does the recruitment process take at HMRC?

The recruitment process at HMRC can vary in length, depending on the role and the volume of applicants. It involves multiple stages including application review, testing, and interviews, and can take several weeks to complete.

What are HMRC's core values?

HMRC's core values revolve around professionalism, integrity, and respect. They seek individuals who are committed to providing quality services and upholding the tax system that supports the UK's public services.