Customs and Border Protection Assessments

Ace your Customs and Border Protection application process with targeted practice tests.

Careers at Customs and Border Protection

Embarking on a career with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) means dedicating yourself to a role of national importance. CBP plays a critical part in securing our borders, regulating international trade, and upholding immigration laws, demanding its agents be exceptionally skilled and committed. Careers within the agency range from frontline law enforcement to administrative and support roles, each requiring keen analytical abilities and an unwavering ethical stance. While specific hiring numbers fluctuate, CBP consistently seeks individuals who can navigate complex situations and uphold the nation's security with integrity.

Understanding the requirements and expectations of a CBP role is crucial in preparing for a successful application. The selection process is rigorous, reflecting the high standards of this law enforcement agency. Applicants can anticipate a competitive environment, with a thorough evaluation of their skills, mental agility, and situicide bot precrotationontinuously looking for professionals who can excel in high-pressure scenarios and contribute to the agency's multifaceted mission.

Customs and Border Protection Application Process

The selection process has 4 major stages:

1. Online Application

2. Online Assessments

3. Interview

4. Assessment Centre

Customs and Border Protection Online Application

The journey to becoming part of the CBP team starts with the Online Application step. Prospective candidates are required to provide detailed information about their education, work experience, and qualifications. This initial step is crucial as it is the first opportunity to make a strong impression. The CBP looks for applicants who not only meet the basic eligibility criteria but also align with the mission and values of the agency.

During this phase, it's important to accurately complete all fields, providing comprehensive and honest information. Make sure to articulate how your background and competencies make you a fit for not just the public sector, but specifically a role within CBP. Tailor your responses to reflect the unique nature of the work CBP does and how your skillset matches their needs.

Customs and Border Protection Online Assessments

Following a successful Online Application, the next hurdle is the Online Assessments. These tests are designed to evaluate a variety of skills and attributes relevant to working at CBP, such as critical thinking, ethical judgment, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, they may assess specific competencies depending on the role, like language proficiency or technical skills.

It's vital to prepare for these assessments as they play a significant role in determining if you advance to the next stages of recruitment. Using the free practice tests on Psychometric Tests can help you become comfortable with the question types and time constraints you'll encounter.

Customs and Border Protection Interview

Making it to the Interview stage is a noteworthy achievement, signifying that you've made a positive impression with your application and assessments. The interview at CBP usually involves behavioral questions designed to gauge how your past experiences align with the responsibilities of the role. It's an opportunity for the agency to understand your decision-making processes, ethical considerations, and suitability for a career in law enforcement.

Candidates should prepare examples that showcase their problem-solving abilities, capacity to work under pressure, and commitment to CBP's core values and mission. Expect scenarios where you'll need to demonstrate how you would react in challenging situations typical of the agency's day-to-day operations.

Customs and Border Protection Assessment Centre

The Assessment Centre stage is the most immersive part of the CBP's recruitment process. Candidates will participate in a series of in-person evaluations, which may include role-playing exercises, group discussions, and additional skills assessments. This step is designed to assess how well you communicate, collaborate, and handle real-life tasks that mirror the challenges of the job.

Be prepared to be observed and evaluated not only on how you accomplish tasks but also on how you interact with others and adapt to changing situations. It's a chance to exhibit leadership, teamwork, and a deep understanding of what it takes to work at CBP.

Sample Customs and Border Protection Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /6

Assuming half of the coal mined from both mines in March was sold in April and one quarter was sold in each of May and June what was the income generated from the sales?

Price per tonne$78$82$76$89$77
  • $8,163,750
  • $8,216,250
  • $8,347,500
  • $8,478,750

If a new drink, Banana Milk, was introduced at the Primary School and half of the pupils that chose Chocolate Milk and a third of the pupils that chose Coca-Cola before would now choose Banana Milk, how many pupils would choose Banana Milk?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • 14
  • 15
  • 26
  • 21

What is the percentage decrease in turnover per day in the Primary school if every pupil that chose Sprite before are now choosing Water instead?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • 8.81%
  • 8.69%
  • 8.57%
  • 8.51%

What's the difference in the number of pupils that chose water between the schools?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • 98
  • 102
  • 103
  • 113

What was the daily turnover for the drink vender in the Secondary School?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • £352.30
  • £452.90
  • £247.05
  • £345.40

What was the difference in value of the coal mined at mine A and mine B in April?

Price per tonne$78$82$76$89$77
  • $380,000
  • $494,000
  • $874,000
  • $1,140,000

Build your confidence today

Try one of our Customs and Border Protection tests for FREE.

Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


Customs and Border Protection Assessments Tips

Understand the Format

Familiarize yourself with the type and format of tests you'll encounter, ensuring no surprises on test day.

Practice Regularly

Regular practice helps you improve speed and accuracy. Psychometric Tests offers free practice tests tailored to CBP criteria.

Review Essential Skills

Brush up on critical thinking, problem-solving, and relevant knowledge to the role you're applying for.

Stay Relaxed

Keep calm during the test to think clearly and make good decisions.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


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  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 74 Employer packages
  • 22 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Customs and Border Protection Assessments FAQs

What are the Customs and Border Protection tests?

Customs and Border Protection tests are a series of evaluations used to determine your suitability for roles within the organization. They help assess your skills, behaviors, and decision-making capabilities relevant to CBP requirements.

Are the Customs and Border Protection tests hard?

The difficulty of Customs and Border Protection tests can vary depending on the individual. They are designed to be challenging, to ensure that only candidates who are well-suited to the demands of the job succeed.

How do I prepare for Customs and Border Protection tests?

The best preparation for Customs and Border Protection tests is practice. Psychometric Tests offers numerous practice exams that mirror the format and type of assessments you'll face when applying to CBP.

How long does the recruitment process take at Customs and Border Protection?

The recruitment process at Customs and Border Protection can vary in length. It's a detailed process designed to thoroughly evaluate each candidate's fit for the agency's demands and can take several months.

What are Customs and Border Protection's core values?

Customs and Border Protection's core values include vigilance, service to country, and integrity. These principles guide the agency’s commitment to safeguarding the United States with professionalism and respect for human dignity.